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July 19, 2005 


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Kent B. Chambers 

Application Number 


July 10, 2001 

First Named Inventor 
Ryan Shillington 

Art Unit 


Yolanda L. Wilson 

Applicant requests review of the final rejection in the above-identified application. No amendments are being filed 
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Serial No.: 
Docket No.: 

E United States Patent and Trademark Office 

Ryan Shillington, Will Scott, Dan Burton 
Trilogy Development Group, Inc. 


Yolanda L. Wilson 

Filed: July 10, 2001 

Group Art Unit: 2184 
Customer No.: 33438 

Dear Sir: 

Austin, Texas 
July 19, 2005 


This paper accompanies the Pre- Appeal Brief Request for Review and sets forth a 
succinct, concise, and focused set of arguments for which the review is being requested. 


Claims 1-44 are pending. 

Claims 1-44 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as being anticipated by U.S. Patent 
No. 6,668,369, issued to Krebs (referred to herein as "Krebs''). 


Applicants respectfully submit that the Examiner's rejection contains factual errors and, 
thus, the Examiner has failed to satisfy the PTO's burden of establishing a prima facie rejection. 

Krebs teaches that: 

The present invention provides a client-side software debugging tool for 
viewing dynamic code. Accordingly, the present invention provides a tool for 
assisting a programmer in locating errors in DHTML and scripts for generating 
dynamic code. Whereas current debugging tools, such as the "View Source" 
command of popular Web browser software, permit a programmer to view only 

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S/N: 09/902,128 

static code as it is received from a Web server, e.g., a script, the present invention 
permits the programmer to view the dynamic code generated at the cHent by the 
script. Id., col. 2, hnes 54-63. 

The Examiner noted in para. 39 of the Final Office Action that Krebs teaches that a 
"user's computer's web browser software receives a DHTML source file from a server." Krebs, 
col. 4, lines 31-32. Thus, the DHTML source file is initially located on a server and transferred 
to a user's computer. The Examiner has interpreted the DHTML source file as the 'application 
program' of the present invention. However, at issue is not where the source file was originally 
located and transferred to, at issue is where the application program resides during debugging. 
Significantly, Krebs teaches that all of the debugging takes place using software on the user's 
computer . The present invention teaches that the application program resides on a server and is 
invoked/executed while residing on the server during debugging from a workstation. The 
workstation is remote from the server. 

Krebs teaches that all debugging of software takes place using debugging software on the 
user's computer and the software being debugged also resides on the user's computer . After a 
"user's computer's web browser software receives a DHTML source file from a server", 
Krebs teaches that 

The source file contains a script for generating dynamic code at the user's 
computer. The web browser then runs the script to generate the dynamic code 

and stores the dynamic code in intemal variables of the browser as known in the 
prior art, as shown at step 54. The web browser then displays its interpretation of 
the dynamic code to a user as part of a web page, as is known in the prior art, as 
shown at step 58. M, col. 4, lines 32-39. 

Thus, Krebs teaches that the DHTML source file is run on the user's computer (not the 
server from which the DHTML was originally transferred) because the DHTML source file has 
been transferred to the user's computer, and the web browser, which runs the script to generate 
the dynamic code and store the dynamic code in intemal variables, resides on the user's 

Krebs also teaches that: 

The user may then use a software debugging tool in accordance with 
the present invention as follows. The user first executes the software 

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debugging tool, as shown at step 62. This may be achieved in a variety of 
ways as discussed above. For example, if the debugging tool is integrated into 
the browser, the user may simply select an appropriate menu option. 
Alternatively, script commands may be included in the source file to trigger 
the debugging tool. For example, the "onclick" command could be used to 
invoke the debugging tool upon the user's depression of the "shift" key and double 
clicking of a mouse button. The software debugging tool then identifies the 
dynamic code generated at the user*s computer as shown at step 66, e.g., by 
reference to the variables of the web browser that are used to store the dynamic 
code, as discussed above. Id., col. 4, lines 39-43. 

Thus, Krebs teaches that the software debugging tool resides on the same user's computer 
that the DHTML source file resides on. Accordingly, Krebs does clearly teach that aU 
debugging of software takes place using debugging software on the user's computer and the 
software being debugged also resides on the user's computer . Applicants respectfully submit 
that the Examiner made a factual error in stating that Krebs "discloses executing the 
application program on the server when the application program is invoked fi-om the 
workstation." Applicants respectfiiUy submit that this error is a material error that undercuts the 
remaining points of the Examiner's prima facie case. 

The Examiner stated in the Final Office Action, para. 39, and Apphcants agree, that the 
preambles of the independent claims is to be taken into consideration when interpreting the 
claims. Each independent claim of the present application relates to "debugging an application 
program from a workstation, wherein the application program resides on a server that is remote 
from the workstation." The "workstation" and the "server" are clearly two different computer 
systems, and the independent claims also explicitly state that the "server [] is remote from the 

The Examiner also states that "Krebs does in fact have what is disclosed in the 
preamble." Final Office Action, para. 39. "The application program is the DHTML source file, 
that is retrieved from the server, of the webpage seen in the web browser cited in colunrn 4, lines 
30-37" of Krebs. Final Office Action, para. 39. 

However, although the Examiner has identified the DHTML source file originates from a 
separate computer (server) from the executing computer (the user's computer). Applicants 
respectfiiUy submit that Krebs fails to teach (1) "invoking the application program from the 

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workstation via a network interface." Claim 1 . The Application Program, which "resides on a 
server that is remote from the workstation", is invoked by the workstation "via a network 
interface." Claim 1. Thus, the workstation is remotely invoking the application program. 
Krebs clearly teaches that the same computer (the user's computer) on which the DHTML source 
file resides is also the computer that runs the DHTML source file. This is not the case with the 
present invention, and, thus, Krebs does not teach this aspect of the invention. Claim 9 also 
clearly recites " executing the application program on the server when the application program is 
invoked from the workstation. " Claim 17 recites "means for invoking the application program 
from the workstation ." Claim 21 recites "means for executing the application program on the 
server when the appHcation program is invoked from the workstation ." Claim 29 recites "a user 
interface operable to allow a user to invoke the application program from the workstation ." 
Claim 36 recites "means for executing the application program on the server when the 
application program is invoked from the workstation ." 

Thus, in contrast to the teachings of Krebs, the application program of the present 
invention resides on a server and is invoked from a workstation, wherein the server and 
workstation are remotely located, and, therefore, separate computers. 

As established above. Applicants respectfiiUy submit that Krebs clearly teaches that all 
debugging of software takes place using debugging software on the user's computer and the 
software being debugged also resides on the user's computer . In contrast to the teachings of 
Krebs, debugging of the application program as set forth by the claims defining the present 
invention does not take place on the computer (server) executing the application program, such 
debugging takes place on a remotely located workstation. For example, claim 1 recites: 

displaying a user frame at the workstation that includes information generated by 

the application program; 
providing a debug view option at the workstation for generating a debug frame of 

the application program; and 
displaying the debug frame at the workstation when the debug view option is 

selected, wherein the debug frame includes information about one or more 

components of the application program. 

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S/N: 09/902,128 

Independent Claims 9, 17, 21, 29, and 36 likewise recite debugging operations "at the 

Thus, in summary, Krebs teaches that all debugging of software takes place using 
debugging software on the user's computer and the software being debugged also resides on the 
user's computer which is in contrast to the claimed invention where the application is 
invoked/executed from a workstation remotely located from the server on which the application 
program resides and the debugging set forth in the claims takes place on the remotely located 

Accordingly, Applicants respectfully submit that the Examiner has made a material, 
factual error in interpreting Krebs and accordingly the Examiner has failed to establish a prima 
facie case. 

In light of the above remarks, Applicants respectfully request withdrawal of the 

I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with 
the United States Postal Service as First Class Mail in an envelope 
addressed to: Mail Stop Amendment, COMMISSIONER FOR 
PATENTS, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450, on July 
19, 2005. 

Attorney for Applicant(s) Date of Signature 

Respectfully submitted. 

Kent B. Chambers 
Attomey for Applicant(s) 
Reg. No. 38,839 

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